Children have, for the last few decades, gone under the hammer, as far as studies are concerned. All subjects have undergone drastic changes and elicit more and more labor from students. What irritates more is the profusion of homework which is common anthem of schools universally.
Psychologists feel, according to statistics, that ideally middle school students should get half an hour of writing work every day. Anything more than that and their systems get twisted. Ones reading in Class 2 or in lower classes should only be allotted 1-1.5 hours of homework per week. Reality check offers a different reading.
The additional work is a real burden for almost half the students reading at the moment; the tentative percentage being 45%. 25% parents feel the pangs and continually face distracted and frustrated kids at home; a sight which is never a cynosure.
These are all expository facts; paved by statistics carried by surveys done by accredited agencies. It is actually wondrous how we declare children to be the beacons of the future and yet place them under such stress at the beginning of their lives that their perspectives for life automatically changes and they become naturally resentful.
Yes, one has to take a logical viewpoint. Homework is a necessary element of studies and keeps the students updated with what they read in school. It also keeps students disciplined and focused and instills a methodology even in the most reluctant students. Therefore, it cannot be altogether bypassed.
What is necessary is to jot down a system whereby students get their necessary quota of homework but not anything excess to that. This way, they will be able to do their assignments; get some time to do extra reading and also enjoy some quality family time with parents, brothers and friends.
This is a sensitively important issue and should be tackled on a priority basis by prominent educators of the day; throughout the world. Care should also be taken to make subjects like Math and Geography more interesting so that students do not feel the resonant stress of homework.
The river has flown; we should not just wait for the tide; we should endeavor to control it; otherwise our kids will float or sink in the rising waves of the oceanic storm called homework. It is time to do something positive for the future of tomorrow.
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