Homework Study Tips: Learning Techniques That Never Fail
If you are finding it hard to make yourself sit down and study, don’t worry. You are not alone. Almost every student stumbles upon a period of time where they are not motivated and don’t want to study.
Motivation is good when it comes to your studies. Motivation is what enables you to keep working when your friends want to play, your favorite show is on television, or you are tired. Motivation is what keeps you on task. But if you are not motivated, you won’t want to stay on task. You won’t want to get started with your homework in the first place.
So, in order to improve your homework studying you should use these learning techniques:
- Reward yourself after you study. If you are working on homework for two hours straight, and finish all of your work for the day, reward yourself with some ice cream or another favorite treat.
- Study with other friends. If you want to stay motivated and really improve your learning, try to form a study group, or at the very least find a study buddy. Work on your homework together. This will make learning fun and a lot easier too. You won’t feel as though you never get to see your friends because you are always doing homework; instead you can make homework something that you get to do together.
- Try and remember your long term goals. If you are unable to stay focused, or don’t want to start on your homework, try and remember that your educational success, and overall success in life, all hangs on small steps. Homework is one of those small steps. And it is a step you have to take every day. Tackle your homework one day at a time, and remind yourself that it is for the long term.
- Get rid of distractions. If you want to really benefit from your studying, you need to remove any distractions from your study space.
- Take regular breaks. Don’t push yourself. If your brain needs a break, or your body needs some exercise, then stop and take a break. Go for a walk or grab a snack to boost brain power.
- Great a regular homework space where you can study. Remove any distractions from this space and make a comfortable working environment. Try and place motivational posters in the area or print off motivational pictures.